Thursday, December 6, 2012

Preslie Eats a Cupcake

Preslie turned one..remember?
Well Allie came over to help celebrate, and has mad photo talents and captured the cupcake eating WONDERFULLY! 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Instagram- just do it

First it was Facebook to keep us all in touch- then for me, I started blogging, and now instagram. But some VIPs in my life don't do instagram- so here you go.
Zane making "SUPPER" sandwiches with marshmellows, cheese and peanut butter. He did indeed eat some. He was the only one.

Brody and I making snow angels, either of us without a coat! It was a dare

Zane- teaching Oscar how to drink soda so he would grow bigger.

MISCHIEF!!!! Oh she is a busy busy lady. Goodness. With the boys I could put a baby gate up and keep them out of the kitchen, this house- that doesn't work. It has been interesting. 

Christmas cookies- And a good inch deep pile of sprinkles. 

Evanston is having some weird weather- NO SNOW and warmish, for us! 

Walking all over and all wet from the dog water. Happens EVERY day!



Thursday, November 15, 2012

When it rains it pours... And then the sun comes out

These days here is what life is like
Take care of small people
Young Women's
Presidency meetings
Planning meetings
Swim lessons
Gymnastics (that's over now because Zane said its "only for girls" and refused to return)
School Volunteering
Pre school
Cooking for us
Cooking for new moms
Cooking for funerals
Playing toys
Settling arguments
Picking stuff out of Preslies mouth
Finding my dumb dogs when they run away because we can't figure out how they are getting out
Sewing for Christmas presents
Homework- first grade is intense ya know!
Dentist appointments
Doctor appointments
Life is CRAZY
A while ago I was making diner, the children were officially driving me nuts. The fighting was never ending, the baby was fussy, the house was a total disaster, diner was gross because I didn't have all the ingredients and was trying to improvise, I had Young Women's to get too, needed to stop at the store first, still needed to get ready, had nothing to wear, Dev wasn't home, homework needed to be done. I was feeling completely overwhelmed, overworked, incredibly underpaid, I was stressed and homesick and weepy, worn out, inadequate, and wanted a vacation.
Not a tropical beach vacation- no no.
I wanted 24 hours in my house ALONE. Nothing could compare to a spotless house, drinking a diet coke in ultimate silence. Dream.come.true.
It wasn't happening.
I made it through the evening and then awoke to a miracle in the morning. I was up way before the kids. Not being a morning person at all,usually I would just stay in bed and try to go back to sleep. That morning I actually got up- I made peach tea and decided to read my scriptures. We have been doing really well with our family reading at night but my personal scripture study was non existent. I got a good hour of serious reading in. My day was calm and happy, I was productive and patient. I felt light hearted. I have only had one morning since then,where I missed reading before the kids are up. This is what I needed in my life.
With thanksgiving quick approaching, I will spare everyone of listing a daily blessing on Facebook, but will express that I am thankful for faith in God that is immovable,and love for my family that is fierce.

Friday, November 9, 2012

12 onesies


Happy Birthday to Preslie!!!
Time flies when your baby sleeps 12 hours a night :)

We celebrated early while my Parents were here. My cake was a bit of a mess- she gobbled it down anyways.

She is starting to throw fits when she doesn't get what she wants and drives Zane crazy by always "bugging" him.
Brody spoils her the most out of us all and gives her everything she wants, gets her up in the morning an plays with her and just really adores his baby sister.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

Trick or Treat! smell my feet!

Happy Hallo-WEENIE!!

These were the phrases most used this year. Gotta love elementary school.

I'm a fan of imagination filled costumes and a day to be In a total fantasy land. I tried super hard to find a costume of my body at 16 years old (because that's my fantasy) and it was a big disappointment that they don't make anything of the sort.

Brody's biggest desire is to be a hunter, a true blue Wyoming kid. He's green with envy of his friends who have fire armed dads and heads on the wall. His leisure reading is Hunters magazine and he's obsessed with watching those real live hunts on TV. The poor lad just has pacifist parents who are animal loving softies. Thank goodness for Halloween!! He camo'dup and wore true hunting attire and I could tell he just LOVED every minute of his hunter life fantasy. When the orange vest and hat came he ripped off his shirt to try on the new gear- then headed out to the back yard to do some "tracking". When I peeked out here was this kid in camo pants, Nike tennis shoes, a sleeveless undershirt,and bright orange cap and vest- it was like looking at a miniature Larry the Cable guy. Oh Brody.
He is currently saving every penny for a guide hunt when he turns 13.

Zane is just a funny guy. Last year he wanted to be a black cat. Sounds easy enough- too bad all the costumes for black cats involve pink ears and nose, and tights. We improvised. This year he wanted to be a ghost. Really?? A ghost?? Again, sounds fine. Until you actually try to put a sheet-like costume over a 3 year old with limited vision. Even after being miserable trying it on he wouldn't change his mind. His school wouldn't allow anything monster/scary related so we had a back-up costume of an army soldier (out of the dress up clothes) in the end he wore the soldier but I had to haul the ghost around. I slipped it on during trunk or treat :)

Preslie was the cutest little strawberry ever. She slept thru trunk or treat- which was the only time I took pictures.

We did trunk or treat at the church- which I think is lame. At least make the kids hike some hills or stairs for their candy! :)

Then in my quest to keep traditional trick or treating alive,we headed for the houses of safe looking strangers. In company with fabulous friends, we spent an hour making our way around one block. And it was wonderful.

Kids had candy for din and fell asleep in a sugar comatose.

Happy Halloween!!!!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Dates to Remember

I've been doing some reading from old journals and there are a few things I need to remember.

On March 10th 2029 I need to call Brody at 11 pm and scream that I'm hungry- I need to repeat this every 90 mins for 12 hours straight.( Brody should be about 21 and in school and really be at a point where he appreciates his sleep)

On January 20th 2021 or roughly when Zane is an early teenager- I am going to go to his school dressed in the most ridiculous outfit I can round up, and I'm going to pick him up for lunch and parade myself and him around town.

One day when being on time is important, I'm going to have a missing shoe crisis, not be able to get my jacket on, and then find someone to fight with all they way to our destination.. I wonder if Dev is up for project payback.

I know parents say that one day their children will have children of their own to pay them back for all these antics- But I'll be honest- I want in on the fun :)

Yes- it has been one of those mornings!

Monday, October 8, 2012

11 Months!

I was party planning this morning and it hit that I hadn't posted her 11 month pic. So here it is! Good thing my onesie of the month ends soon- its getting really tricky to get a pic of this little miss- she is ALWAYS on the move! Her up coming birthday has been a hot topic here- Brody wants to take her to Disneyland because "that's what you do with little girls" and Zane wants to give her everything that is girly. Whenever we hit the store he asks to go down the "pink rows" and he really just wants to put everything in the cart for Preslie. Pretty cute.
Luving some Mac n Cheese
Sharing with the dogs...
STUCK! Under the table. This is a daily occurrence. 
Just digging in some nice warm laundry. She plays Peek A Boo with everything. Loves it!