It has been suggested to keep increasing our knowledge-additional education, gospel knowledge, reading good books, taking classes or just trying to improve ourselves. Well this morning I acquired new knowledge and im happy to share.
How to remove multiple band aids from very sensitive 3 year old boy parts.
Remember how Zane is obsessed with band aids? Well this morning that little quirk bit him in the.... Well... It bit him where the sun don't shine!
He came trucking through the house pants and underwear around his ankles. Asking for scissors. Oh boy.
Upon careful examination I came to understand his situation. I saw small glimpse of scooby doo and friends wrapped, twisted, pasted, stuck, wedged and stretched all over his nether regions. It was not a pretty sight.
I called Dev. Goo gone was mentioned. That didn't seem right.
I filled the tub and Zane soaked for a bit. Band aid extraction was attempted and failed.
Tub filled again- this time with warmer water and a whole lot of baby oil. A very long soak. More baby oil.
And woola!!
4 scooby and friends slipped off like a charm and 3 fluorescent water resistant band aids came off after a bit of negotiation.
All boy parts were saved without harm.
Increase in knowledge my friends- whatever the situation- I know something new!
Also thinking that cheap band aids might be the way to go and the "real" band aids will be hidden for true injuries.
I read this earlier today and laughing thought at least mine have never done that! Guess what?? About an hour ago my second son came running out of his room completely naked except for cars stickers all over his boy parts. They were a bit easier to remove than band aids would have been, but still a little painful for him and I wondered just what is in the air today. Crazy huh?