Friday, March 22, 2013

Equality for All!

A few Saturdays ago, as I was slave-driving my children to wash walls, clean toilets and mop floors, I got a phone call asking if I would be willing to bring my kids over to be used for some photo practice. Sounded good! Who doesn't love pics taken of their kiddos?!
I had about a million options of things for Preslie to wear, but as I was looking through the boys closet, I came to the very real conclusion that I have picking favorites. The boys options for cute, bright, fun, spring clothes that would be lovely in a photo, were pretty much non-existent. In the PP years (pre-Preslie) I had Easter attire obtained well before the snow was melting. Since the arrival of "The Miss"- (currently called RALPH, like Wreck It Ralp,by her Brothers, because she wrecks everything) I have been spending all budgeted wardrobe funds on all things not boy. As I was scrambling to round up something for Brody and Zane I was really feeling quite guilty. Luckily they are boys and didn't care one bit. But in my mind I heard tiny voices of unjust screaming "Its not fair!" So anyways- I will do better. Equality for all! Girl or Boy. 

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