Thursday, October 20, 2011

Learning to love sleepless nights

SO our boys arent good sleepers. Never have been- and its mine and Devs fault because we are suckers and cant let them cry it out when they are tiny babies. Its too sad. The older they get the better it is of course because we can reason with them, so now bedtime isnt such an ordeal. We read a lot of stories, say prayers, go thru the typical I need a snack-drink-go to the bathroom- excuses and they fall asleep. Last week when they were sick and on their kid crack both kids were really up at about 7am and not in bed until after 10, and not napping during the day. Holy smokes I was tired. But this entire pregnancy sleep has been an issue. First trimester was heartburn and needing the bathroom a dozen times a night, and it has slowly evolved into good ol insomnia. Well lately I have started to just get up and do stuff when I cant sleep. I get laundry done, like 3 loads a night- do the dishes, get baby stuff organized, pay bills, whatever needs to be done. Last night I went to bed around 10, was up at 1am and did some laundry, loaded the dishwasher, made Dev's lunch and then I got on the treadmill! Lol. Yep, at about 2 am I put my running shoes on, put the treadmill on full incline and walked and walked. In hopes to help move this baby along! And because why not? It was better then laying in bed tossing and turning. I went back to bed at about 3 30am and was up at 6 40 and I feel great! How crazy is that.

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