Sunday, October 30, 2011

Lets make a Deal

So today was church, it was the primary program and Brody was a rockstar- as far as primary song performances go. I was only going to stay for Sacrament because 1. I cant cross my legs and my skirt had a hard time staying put. 2. Im swollen. I have traded in my toes and fingers for sausage looking type things, my Mum was nice enough to inform that even my face is puffy. 3. Sitting is not fun and I get the wiggles worse then a 2 yr old. But I did end up staying for all it and Im so happy I did. Being the 5th Sunday we were combined for the entire block and had some awesome lessons, but both of them were triggered by some down right crappy stuff that has been going on in my cute litte town.. and probably yours too. Topics of the lesson were all too common things we hear-but I think maybe it was because of  specific Evanston events that it hit me as so much more real. Pornography and Morality. We all know the concerns, the things to be aware of, but Im guessing that people dealing with the issues knew all to well too. Lately I catch myself making deals with the Lord, things like, ok, I will get up and read my scriptures and really commit to FHE and family scripture study and promise to always pay tithing.. IF you in return can promise to keep my boys safe from porn or drugs or bad friends or immorality or bad influences and make sure they serve missions and get married in the temple. Ok? DEAL! I want that deal. I know too many perfect parents who did all of those things but still had children make choices against everything they had been taught. Parents who I know I would fall short too in comparison. Thats not fiar! Stinking free agency anyways. Not really, but it stresses me out.  I will try my best to do the things we as parents have been counseled to do, its the best guarantee we have right? But well, I want more. I want a deal!

Something definatly worth sharing, We had such an awesome lesson on internet safety- so im passing along this, its called K9 internet protection, Its free, its user friendly and its a great way to protect your family from all the crap online. Check it out.

My # 1 job. (after my wife job) Make sure they know WHO they are. That they are sons of God and loved by SO many. I want them to  be happy with who they are. I want them to be good. I want them to live proud lives and I will do anything to protect them. I just want a guarantee that it will happen. Dang. Is it really too much to ask??? Oh and yes, they are in box :) 

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